Mattel announces officially licensed HoverBoard Prop Replica

Ever since Robert Zemeckis first sent fans into a frenzy way back in 1989 by jokingly stating that hover boards were real, the most highly-anticipated prop replica is finally set to be released as an officially licensed product! 

On the eve of the annual New York International Toy Fair, Mattel has announced that they will be releasing a 1:1 authentic replica of the legendary hover board Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) made famous in Back to the Future Part II. The company will be taking orders for the final product between March 1 - 20, 2012 exclusively via their website, with an anticipated release date to be in November/December 2012.

The board is expected to include mutiple "whooshing" sounds, as well as have the ability to "glide" over most surfaces (other than water). Just like Nike stated last year with their auto-lacing Mag replicas, Mattel says fans must wait until 2015 for expected movie features to be supported..


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